Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Lemieux-labonte, V, J Pathmanathan, Y Terrat, N Tromas, C Lausen, A Simard, CG Haase, CKR Willis, FJ Lapointe. In press. Pseudogymnoascus destructans infection impacts the functional metagenome of highly vulnerable Myotis lucifugus. Microbiology Ecology
- Williams, SC*, SK Krueger, GA Zirkle, CG Haase (2024) Summer roost site selection of a declining bat species. Mammalian Biology
- Krueger*, S, SC Zirkle*, J O'Keefe, G Zirkle, CG Haase (2024) White-nose syndrome, winter duration, and pre-hibernation climate impact abundance of reproductive female bats. PLOS One 19:e0298515
- Walker*, R, A Culley*, CG Haase, M Thomas, S Brandt, M Floyd, RE Johansen (2024) High conductivity contributes to population isolation of a small-bodied, benthic, headwater specialist fish (Percidae). Ecology of Freshwater Fishes. E12769
- Haase, CG, RJ Fletcher, Jr DH Slone, JP Reid, SM Butler (2023) Quality of thermal refuges influences use by the cold intolerant Florida manatee. Endangered Species Research 51:89-101
- McGuire, LP, NW Fuller, CG Haase, KA Silas, SH Olson. 2022. Lean mass dynamics in hibernating bats and implications for energy and water budgets. Physiological & Biochemical Zoology 95:317-325
- McClure, ML, CR Hranac, CG Haase, S McGinnis, BG Dickson, DTS Hayman, LP McGuire, CL Lausen, RK Plowright, NW Fuller, SH Olson. 2021. Projecting compound effects of climate change and white-nose syndrome on North American bat species. Climate Change Ecology 3:100047
- McGuire, LP, NW Fuller, YA Dzal, CG Haase, B Klug-Baerwald, KA Silas, RK Plowright, CL Lausen, CKR Willis, SH Olson. 2021. Interspecific variation in evaporative water loss and temperature response, but not metabolic rate, among hibernating bats. Scientific Reports 11(1):1-9
- McGuire, LP, NW Fuller, YA Dzal, CG Haase, KA Silas, CKR Willis, SH Olson, CL Lausen. 2021. Similar physiology in hibernating bats across broad geographic ranges. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 192(1):171-181
- Haase, CG, A Yang, K McNyset, J Blackburn. 2021. GARPTools: R software for data preparation and model evaluation of GARP models. Ecography 44(12):1790-1796
- Hranac, CR, CG Haase, NW Fuller, ML McClure, JC Marshall, CL Lausen, LP McGuire, SH Olson, DTS Hayman. 2021. What is a winter? Modelling spatial variation in bat host traits and hibernation and their implications for overwintering energetics. Ecology and Evolution 11(17):11604-11614
- McClure, ML, CG Haase, D Crowley, LP McGuire, NW Fuller, DTS Hayman, CL Lausen, RK Plowright, BG Dickson, SH Olson. 2021. A hybrid correlative-mechanistic approach for modeling and mapping winter distributions of western bat species. Journal of Biogeography 48:2429-2444
- Haase, CG, NW Fuller, YA Dzal, DTS Hayman, CR Hranac, C Lausen, KA Silas, SH Olson, RK Plowright. 2021. Body mass and hibernation microclimate may predict bat susceptibility to white-nose syndrome. Ecology and Evolution 11(1):506-515
- McClure, ML, D Crowley, CG Haase, LP McGuire, NW Fuller, DTS Hayman, CL Lausen, RK Plowright, BG Dickson, SH Olson (2020) Linking surface and subterranean climate conditions: implications for the study of hibernating bats and other cave dwellers. Ecosphere 11(10):1-17
- Fuller, NW, LP McGuire, EL Pannkuk, T Blute, CG Haase, HW Mayberry, TS Risch, CKR Willis (2020) Disease recovery affected by white-nose syndrome. Experimental Biology 223(6):1-12
- Haase, CG, RJ Fletcher, Jr, DH Slone, JP Reid, SM Butler (2020) Traveling to thermal refuges during stressful temperatures leads to foraging constraints in a central-place forager. Journal of Mammalogy 101(1):271-280
- Haase, CG, NW Fuller, CR Hranac, DTS Hayman, LP McGuire, KJO Norquay, KA Silas, CKR Willis, RK Plowright, SH Olson (2019) Incorporating evaporative water loss into bioenergetic models of hibernation to test influence of host and pathogen traits on white-nose syndrome. PLOS ONE 14(10):e022231
- Fuller, NW, CG Haase, KA Silas, SH Olson, LP McGuire (2019) First reported case of diphallia in Corynorhinus townsendii. Western North American Naturalist 79(3):454-457
- Haase, CG, NW Fuller, CR Hranac, DTS Hayman, SH Olson, RK Plowright, LP McGuire (2019) Bats are not squirrels: revisiting the assumptions of costs of cooling in hibernating mammals. Journal of Thermal Biology 81:185-193
- Yang, A, JP Gomez, CG Haase, KM Proffitt, JK Blackburn (2019) Effects of Brucellosis serological status on physiological conditions and behavioral mechanisms of Southwestern Montana Elk. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 55(2):304-315
- Haase, CG, RJ Fletcher, Jr DH Slone, JP Reid, SM Butler (2017) Landscape complementation revealed through bipartite networks: the Florida manatee. Landscape Ecology 32:1999-2014
- Slone, DH, SM Butler, JP Reid, CG Haase (2017) Timing of warm water refuge use in Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge by manatees—results and insights from Global Positioning System telemetry data. US Geological Survey Open-File Report
- Hayward, A, M Pajuelo, CG Haase, DM Anderson, JF Gillooly (2016) Common metabolic constraints on dive duration in endothermic and ectothermic vertebrates. PeerJ 4:e2569
- Cross, PC, ES Almberg, CG Haase, PJ Hudson, S Maloney, M Metz, A Munn, P Nugent, O Putzeys, DR Stahler, AC Stewart, DW Smith (2016) Energetic costs of mange in Yellowstone wolves estimated from infrared thermography. Ecology 97(8):1938-1948
- Haase, CG, AK Long, JF Gillooly (2016) Energetics of stress: Linking plasma cortisol levels to metabolic rate in mammals. Biology Letters 12(1):1-4
- Haase, CG, HB Underwood (2013) Integrating thermal constraints into habitat suitability for moose in the Adirondack State Park, NY. Alces 49:49-64
Other Media
“Want to be a Bat Hero this Halloween? Don’t Visit the Batcave.” Live Science. October 29, 2018. Link to article
"When a Bat Sees Its Shadow: How Winter Length Can Effect Bat Survival." National Geographic. April 17, 2018. Link to article
"Why bats are so good at gulping down (Halloween) prey." Live Science. October 26, 2017. Link to article
"When a Bat Sees Its Shadow: How Winter Length Can Effect Bat Survival." National Geographic. April 17, 2018. Link to article
"Why bats are so good at gulping down (Halloween) prey." Live Science. October 26, 2017. Link to article
Research Featured in Media
- “UAS hosts presentations on math history and sea lions.” KRBD radio. January 14, 2025 Link to interview
- “Austin Peay receives grant to study bats on Fort Campbell.” WKRN, October 30, 2023 Link to video
- “Haase picks up long-term IGSA contract to continue APSU’s bat research.” APSU News, September 20, 2023 Link to article
- “Dr. Catherine G. Haase with the 2022 Christine Stevens Wildlife Award.” APSU News, February 27, 2023 Link to article
- “Landscape-scale restoration continues at soak creek farm.” TennGreen Land Conservancy, February 6, 2023 Link to article
- “Four bat species in one night.” Main Street Clarksville, August 23, 2022 Link to article
- "Austin Peay graduate student identifies 55,085 insects in bat research.” APSU News, April 25, 2022. Link to article
- “Disease threatens to decimate western bats.” Science Daily, January 22, 2021. Link to article
- “Austin Peay, Fort Campbell partner in white-nose syndrome study.” APSU News, September 28, 2020. Link to article
- “Post partners with APSU to track endangered bat species.” Fort Campbell Courier, August 13, 2020. Link to article
- "Saving the bats, one cave at a time." The New York Times. February 18, 2019. Link to article
- "Plague marching west: researchers study bats to stop their demise." The Guardian. October 18, 2018. Link to article
- "MSU Researcher studying local bat populations." KZBK, Bozeman, MT. August 29, 2018. Link to video
- “Taking a thermal shot at mangy wolves.” Spring 2015. The Wildlife Professional 9:61-62.
- “X-Ray: Yellowstone.” Discovery Channel’s Curiosity Series. December 2012. Link to video
- “Infrared Images Reveal a Deadly Illness Spreading among Wolves.” Science World. September 2012. Link to article
- "How to save wolves: Take photos where they look like crazy mutants." Grist. May 2012. Link to article
- “Infrared Imaging Helps Save Yellowstone’s Wolves.” Wired. May 2012. Link to article